Simulation Results

GARCH-based Asymmetric Least Squares Risk Measures


  • The main simulation results of GARCH-based risk measures as summarized as:

    • In general, we verify that a smaller sample size add more dispersion and quantile level skewness to the simulated distribution, regardless the scenario (Benchmark High Persistence), estimation method (Bootstrap, QMLE and MLE) and type of innovation (\(t_{3},t_{8},t_{500}\)).

    • Heavy-tailed (\(t_{3}\)) simulation reveals that the estimation of risk measures via QMLE is biased.

      • The result is more pronounced in the High Persistence scenario.

      • QMLE also divert from both Bootstrap and MLE estimation.

    • The distribution of Bootstrap, QMLE and MLE risk measures tends to approximate towards the simulated distribution when we choose thin-tailed distribution (\(t_{500}\)), regardless the simulation scenario.

    • Heavy-tailed innovations (\(t_{3}\)) and high persistence (\(\beta = 0.89\)) maximizes the difference in averages between QMLE and the simulation.


  • The DGP follows Christoffersen and Gonçalves (2004) and Gao and Song (2008)

  • We simulate daily returns from GARCH-\(t(3)\), GARCH-\(t(8)\) and GARCH-\(t(500)\)

    • Unconditional volatility: \(\omega = 20^2/252\times (1-\alpha-\beta)\) for each simulation
  • We explore two distinct cases: Benchmark and High persistence:

    • Benchmark (BM): \(\alpha = 0.10\) and \(\beta = 0.80\)

    • High persistence (HP): \(\alpha = 0.10\) and \(\beta = 0.89\)

  • We simulate \(N = 10.000\) paths of size \(T = \{500;1000\}\), burning the first \(1.000\) realizations

Distribution of risk measures

  • We calculate the quantiles, expectiles and extremiles from the standard residuals:

    • First, we compute the risk measures via QMLE at \(\tau =\{1\%,5\%,10\%\}\).

    • Second, we compute the risk measures via MLE at \(\tau =\{1\%,5\%,10\%\}\).

    • Third, we compute the risk measures via bootstrap at \(\tau =\{1\%,5\%,10\%\}\).

  • In the case of MLE, we estimate the GARCH model with t-Student innovations.

  • In the case of bootstrap, we follow Pascual, Romo, and Ruiz (2006).

Relative Distribution

  • Following the same strategy, we compute the relative distribution \(\xi_{\tau}^{*} = \widehat{\xi}_{\tau}/\xi_{\tau}\)

Squared Relative Distribution

    • Following the same strategy, we compute the squared relative distribution \((\xi_{\tau}^{*})^{2} = (\widehat{\xi}_{\tau}/\xi_{\tau})^{2}\)

Codes for reproduction


Benchmark with Gaussian Distribution

  • Consider the following GARCH(1, 1) process for the returns:

\[ \begin{cases} \epsilon_{t} = \sigma_{t} \eta_{t} \ , \quad \eta_{t} \thicksim t_{500}\\ \sigma_{t}^{2} = \frac{20^2}{252} + 0.10\epsilon_{t-1}^{2} + 0.80\sigma_{t-1}^{2} \end{cases} \]

garch_benchmark_normal <-
    mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0), include.mean = FALSE), # ARMA order
    variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH", garchOrder = c(1,1)), # GARCH order
    distribution.model = "std", # Innovation distribution = list(
      mu = 0, # our mu (intercept)
      ar1 = 0, # our phi_1 (AR(1) parameter of mu_t)
      ma1 = 0, # our theta_1 (MA(1) parameter of mu_t)
      omega = (20^2/252)*(1-0.1-0.8), # our alpha_0 (intercept)
      alpha1 = 0.1, # our alpha_1 (ARCH(1) parameter of sigma_t^2)
      beta1 = 0.8, # our beta_1 (GARCH(1) parameter of sigma_t^2)
      shape = 500)) # d.o.f. nu for standardized t_nu innovations

Benchmark with t-Student Distribution

  • Consider the following GARCH(1, 1) process for the returns:

\[ \begin{cases} \epsilon_{t} = \sigma_{t} \eta_{t} \ , \quad \eta_{t} \thicksim t_{8} \\ \sigma_{t}^{2} = \frac{20^2}{252} + 0.10\epsilon_{t-1}^{2} + 0.80\sigma_{t-1}^{2} \end{cases} \]

garch_benchmark_t <-
    mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0), include.mean = FALSE), # ARMA order
    variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH", garchOrder = c(1,1)), # GARCH order
    distribution.model = "std", # Innovation distribution = list(
      mu = 0, # our mu (intercept)
      ar1 = 0, # our phi_1 (AR(1) parameter of mu_t)
      ma1 = 0, # our theta_1 (MA(1) parameter of mu_t)
      omega = (20^2/252)*(1-0.1-0.8), # our alpha_0 (intercept)
      alpha1 = 0.1, # our alpha_1 (ARCH(1) parameter of sigma_t^2)
      beta1 = 0.8, # our beta_1 (GARCH(1) parameter of sigma_t^2)
      shape = 8)) # d.o.f. nu for standardized t_nu innovations

High persistence with Gaussian Distribution

  • Consider the following GARCH(1, 1) process for the returns:

\[ \begin{cases} \epsilon_{t} = \sigma_{t} \eta_{t} \ , \quad \eta_{t} \thicksim t_{500} \\ \sigma_{t}^{2} = \frac{20^2}{252} + 0.10\epsilon_{t-1}^{2} + 0.89\sigma_{t-1}^{2} \end{cases} \]

garch_high_persistence_normal <-
    mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0), include.mean = FALSE), # ARMA order
    variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH", garchOrder = c(1,1)), # GARCH order
    distribution.model = "std", # Innovation distribution = list(
      mu = 0, # our mu (intercept)
      ar1 = 0, # our phi_1 (AR(1) parameter of mu_t)
      ma1 = 0, # our theta_1 (MA(1) parameter of mu_t)
      omega = (20^2/252)*(1-0.1-0.89), # our alpha_0 (intercept)
      alpha1 = 0.1, # our alpha_1 (ARCH(1) parameter of sigma_t^2)
      beta1 = 0.89, # our beta_1 (GARCH(1) parameter of sigma_t^2)
      shape = 500)) # d.o.f. nu for standardized t_nu innovations

High persistence with t-Student distribution

  • Consider the following GARCH(1, 1) process for the returns:

\[ \begin{cases} \epsilon_{t} = \sigma_{t} \eta_{t} \ , \quad \eta_{t} \thicksim t_{8} \\ \sigma_{t}^{2} = \frac{20^2}{252} + 0.10\epsilon_{t-1}^{2} + 0.89\sigma_{t-1}^{2} \end{cases} \]

garch_high_persistence_t <-
    mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0), include.mean = FALSE), # ARMA order
    variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH", garchOrder = c(1,1)), # GARCH order
    distribution.model = "std", # Innovation distribution = list(
      mu = 0, # our mu (intercept)
      ar1 = 0, # our phi_1 (AR(1) parameter of mu_t)
      ma1 = 0, # our theta_1 (MA(1) parameter of mu_t)
      omega = (20^2/252)*(1-0.1-0.89), # our alpha_0 (intercept)
      alpha1 = 0.1, # our alpha_1 (ARCH(1) parameter of sigma_t^2)
      beta1 = 0.89, # our beta_1 (GARCH(1) parameter of sigma_t^2)
      shape = 8)) # d.o.f. nu for standardized t_nu innovations

Computing the risk measures

risk.measures <- lapply(1:length(garch_simulation), function(i){ = get(garch_simulation[i])
  garch.model = get(garch_model[i])

  garch.risk <- lapply(1:10000,function(j){
    # Simulation
    returns =$seriesSim[,j]
    volatility =$sigmaSim[,j]
    residuals =$residSim[,j]
    std.residuals = (returns/volatility)
    # QMLE
    qmle.garch = garchx(y = returns, order = c(1,1))
    qmle.std.residuals = as.numeric(residuals.garchx(qmle.garch))
    # MLE
    mle.garch = ugarchfit(
      spec = 
          mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0), include.mean = FALSE), # ARMA order #
          variance.model = 
            list(model = "sGARCH",garchOrder = c(1,1)), # GARCH order #
          distribution.model = "std"), # Innovation distribution #
      data = returns,
      solver = 'hybrid')
    mle.std.residuals = as.numeric(residuals(mle.garch,standardize = TRUE))
    # Bootstrap 
    garch.bootstrap =
      bootstrap(fitORspec = mle.garch,
                    data = returns,
                    n.bootfit = 1,
                    n.bootpred = 1,
                    n.ahead = 1,
                    rseed = c(1,2),
                    solver = "hybrid",
                    solver.control = list(), fit.control = list(),
                    external.forecasts =  list(mregfor = NULL, vregfor = NULL),
                    mexsimdata = NULL, vexsimdata = NULL)

    boot.std.residuals = garch.bootstrap$boot.std.residuals

    garch.results =
        id_simulation = j,
        sim.std.residuals = std.residuals,
        qmle.std.residuals = qmle.std.residuals,
        mle.std.residuals = mle.std.residuals,
        boot.std.residuals = boot.std.residuals) %>% 
      pivot_longer(-id_simulation, names_to = "risk.measure", values_to = "residuals") %>% 
      group_by(id_simulation,risk.measure) %>% 
                   .funs = list(
                     quantile_0.010  = ~ quantile(., probs = 0.010),
                     quantile_0.025  = ~ quantile(., probs = 0.025),
                     quantile_0.050  = ~ quantile(., probs = 0.050),
                     quantile_0.100  = ~ quantile(., probs = 0.100),
                     quantile_0.250  = ~ quantile(., probs = 0.250),
                     quantile_0.500  = ~ quantile(., probs = 0.500),
                     expectile_0.010  = ~ expectile(., probs = 0.010),
                     expectile_0.025  = ~ expectile(., probs = 0.025),
                     expectile_0.050  = ~ expectile(., probs = 0.050),
                     expectile_0.100  = ~ expectile(., probs = 0.100),
                     expectile_0.250  = ~ expectile(., probs = 0.250),
                     expectile_0.500  = ~ expectile(., probs = 0.500),
                     extremile_0.010  = ~ extremile(., probs = 0.010),
                     extremile_0.025  = ~ extremile(., probs = 0.025),
                     extremile_0.050  = ~ extremile(., probs = 0.050),
                     extremile_0.100  = ~ extremile(., probs = 0.100),
                     extremile_0.250  = ~ extremile(., probs = 0.250),
                     extremile_0.500  = ~ extremile(., probs = 0.500)
                     )) %>% 

    return(tryCatch(garch.results, error = function(e) NULL)) 

  garch.risk = 
    garch.risk %>% 
    bind_rows() %>% 
    mutate(data = garch_simulation[i],
           model = garch_model[i])


    return(tryCatch(garch.risk, error = function(e) NULL)) 

Bootstrap procedure

  • We follow the bootstrap method of Pascual, Romo, and Ruiz (2006).

  • Estimate GARCH by ML and compute the standardized residuals \(\hat{\eta}_{t}^{*} = \epsilon_{t}^{*}/\sigma_{t}^{*}\)

  • Generate bootstrap samples: \(\epsilon_{t}^{*}=\eta_{t}^{*} \widehat{\sigma}_{t}^{*}\), with \(\widehat{\sigma}_{t}^{* 2}=\widehat{\omega}+\widehat{\alpha} L_{t-1}^{* 2}+\widehat{\beta} \widehat{\sigma}_{t-1}^{* 2}\) where \(\eta_{t}^{*}\) are random draws with replacement from \(\widehat{F}_{\hat{\eta}_{t}^{*}}\) and \(\widehat{\sigma}_{1}^{*2}= \widehat{\sigma}_{1}^{2}=\widehat{\omega} /(1-\widehat{\alpha}-\widehat{\beta})\).

  • Compute MLE for each bootstrap sample: \(\widehat{\theta}^{*}=\left(\widehat{\omega}^{*}, \widehat{\alpha}^{*}, \widehat{\beta}^{*}\right)\).

  • Compute the standard residuals: \(\hat{\eta}_{t}^{*} = \epsilon_{t}^{*}/\sigma_{t}^{*}\)

bootstrap = function(fitORspec, data = NULL, n.ahead = 10,
                     n.bootfit = 100, n.bootpred = 500, rseed = NA, 
                     solver = "solnp", solver.control = list(), fit.control = list(), 
                     external.forecasts =  list(mregfor = NULL, vregfor = NULL), 
                     mexsimdata = NULL, vexsimdata = NULL){

  fit = fitORspec
  model = fit@model
  vmodel = fit@model$modeldesc$vmodel
  m = model$maxOrder
  data = model$modeldata$data
  N = model$modeldata$T
  ns = model$n.start
    sseed1 = NA
    sseed2 = NA
  } else{
    if(length(rseed) < n.bootpred){
      stop("\nugarchboot-->error: seed length must equal n.bootpred + n.bootfit for full method\n")
    } else {
      sseed = rseed
      sseed1 = sseed[1:n.bootfit]
      sseed2 = sseed[(n.bootfit+1):(n.bootpred + n.bootfit)]
  # generate paths of equal length to data based on empirical re-sampling of z
  # Pascual, Romo and Ruiz (2006) p.2296 equation (5)
  fz = fit@fit$z
  empz = matrix(sample(fz, N, replace = TRUE), ncol = n.bootfit, nrow = N)

  # presigma uses the same starting values as the original fit
  # in paper they use alternatively the unconditional long run sigma 
  # Pascual, Romo and Ruiz (2006) p.2296 equation (5) (P.2296 paragraph 2  "...marginal variance..."
  paths = ugarchsim(fit, n.sim = N, m.sim = n.bootfit, 
                    presigma = tail(fit@fit$sigma, m), 
                    prereturns = tail(model$modeldata$data[1:N], m), 
                    preresiduals = tail(residuals(fit), m), 
                    startMethod = "sample", 
                    custom.dist = list(name = "sample", distfit = as.matrix(empz)),
                    rseed = sseed1, mexsimdata = mexsimdata, vexsimdata = vexsimdata)
  fitlist = vector(mode = "list", length = n.bootfit)
  simseries = fitted(paths)
  spec = getspec(fit)
  # help the optimization with good starting parameters
  spec@model$ = as.list(coef(fit))
  nx = NCOL(simseries)
  # get the distribution of the parameters (by fitting to the new path data)
  fitlist = 
      spec = spec,
      data = xts(as.numeric(simseries), as.Date(1:NROW(data), origin="1970-01-01")),
      solver = solver,
      fit.control = fit.control, 
      solver.control = solver.control)
  boot.std.residuals =, standardize = TRUE))
  ans = list(boot.std.residuals = boot.std.residuals)


Christoffersen, Peter, and Sı́lvia Gonçalves. 2004. Estimation Risk in Financial Risk Management. CIRANO.
Gao, Feng, and Fengming Song. 2008. “Estimation Risk in GARCH VaR and ES Estimates.” Econometric Theory 24 (5): 1404–24.
Pascual, Lorenzo, Juan Romo, and Esther Ruiz. 2006. “Bootstrap Prediction for Returns and Volatilities in GARCH Models.” Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 50 (9): 2293–2312.